Bio Marker

MetacheckIn this panel we are able to measure important Biomarkers in the blood that affect athletic performance. Once deficiencies are identified, correction via nutritional changes and/or addition of supplements can help athletes improve performance.

PLEASE NOTE: An office visit/consultation is required prior to any Bio-Marker Panel work.

If you're an athlete, you've probably heard plenty of information about the importance of incorporating ample amounts of protein and carbohydrates in your diet. Especially during training season, it can be a challenge to meet your nutritional needs when it comes to healthy calorie, fluid, vitamin, and mineral consumption. However, adequate iron intake plays an equally important role in optimizing physical performance, despite the fact that it receives much less recognition.

Based on several studies on bio-markers, iron deficiency is a common problem for athletes, particularly in pre-menopausal women. In addition to pre-menopausal women, male athletes are six times more likely to develop iron deficiency than men who are not active (12% vs. 2%). So, what exactly does it do? Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of the protein hemoglobin, which is found in all the body's red blood cells. Hemoglobin works to supply the muscles and other organs with enough oxygen, as well as help the body to convert carbohydrates and fat into forms of energy. If you're an athlete who is deficient in iron, you probably have lower levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which can negatively impact performance. There are many scientific publications which show that low levels of iron in the blood can negatively impact athletic performance. Conversely, too much iron in the blood can increase inflammation, raise cholesterol and decrease cardiovascular health. Essentially, this means that iron deficiency decreases your body's ability to use energy efficiently during exercise. Symptoms can include frequent injury, a depleted immune system and an increased susceptibility to illness, chronic fatigue, irritability, and a high exercise heart rate. So, if you want to keep your body energized throughout and athletic event, make sure you have adequate level of iron in your blood so you don't become fatigued too quickly!


Athletic Biomarker Panel Pricing

Consultation and BioMarker Exam
